2019 Digital Adelaide
Digital Marketing Landscape Overview - Simone Douglas
The playing field changes daily but the landscape in Australia has its own unique trends.
Come and hear Simone Douglas, CEO of Social Media AOK, talk about what you need to focus on in order to be successful and the traps digital marketers are falling into as the landscape shifts. In her usual candid way she will cover off on where the users are playing, where we are headed and what we should be doing on the way there.
Simone Douglas is the CEO of Social Media AOK, a three times Telstra Business Award finalist. Her strong practical focus on tangible outcomes combined with an extensive background in business, change management and process improvement has seen her work with all types of businesses from the local hairdresser, through to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, and everything in between. She is also currently the licensee of the Duke of Brunswick Hotel, and Executive Director for Business Networking International – Adelaide North.
A certified practicing marketer, combining a wealth of marketing knowledge, strategies and experience, Simone is well placed to speak on business.
Social Media AOK is a specialist social media agency. We specialise in helping businesses, government departments, and professional individuals to discover the power of using social media as a positive tool to drive business and effect change. We assist with all things social media including channel setup, high-level strategy and planning, management, monitoring, advertising, risk management, disaster recovery, training, interactive workshops and more.