2019 Digital Adelaide

Q&A Social Media & The Law - Paul Gordon

September 20, 2019

Paul joined Wallmans Lawyers in 2018 advising in their Business and Commercial practice.

Paul has a broad commercial skill set, with specialisation in the areas of technology, media law, intellectual property and corporate governance. He is one of Adelaide’s leading experts on social media and privacy law, having been recognised in Doyles Guide for Leading Technology, Media and Telecommunications Lawyers and for Leading Intellectual Property lawyers.

Paul provides advice through the entire lifecycle of a business – from incorporation establishment and structuring, to contracts and other commercial agreements, competition and consumer law issues and matters regarding online brand management and marketing. His experience extends to commercialisation of new technologies, complex trademark prosecutions and defences, domain name disputes, defamation, litigation and general commercial advisory services. He has particular interest in corporate governance, assisting organisations across the not for profit, technology, education, agriculture, start up, health and research sectors. As a result of his experience, Paul was named amongst Australia’s Best Lawyers in Commercial Law.

Paul is a sought after speaker at technology and online law conferences, a guest presenter on radio programs and is an author of various publications discussing the intersection of technology and the law and current trends in social media. In 2013, Paul was named the Young Lawyer of the Year, recognising his professional excellence and contributions to the legal profession and the community at large.

Paul is the Managing Director of an online ticketing company, has held a number of board directorships and was also a part owner of a boutique law firm, and as such, has a unique appreciation of issues facing business, and the need for a practical outlook and commercially feasible results.